Monday, December 26, 2011

2012 Winning Concept - Annette Glare - Architecture

The winning concept Architecture – won by Annette Glare.

Here are her musings on the word Architecture


tecture sounds like texture and text

So is that the architecture of architecture (architecture deconstructed
and the deeper you go the muddier it gets even from what Annette thought was a
straight forward request for a definition
1. The art and science of designing and erecting buildings.

2. Buildings and other large structures: the low, brick-and-adobe
architecture of the Southwest.

3. A style and method of design and construction: Byzantine architecture.

4. Orderly arrangement of parts; structure: the architecture of the federal
bureaucracy; the architecture of a novel.

5. Computer Science The overall design or structure of a computer system,
including the hardware and the software required to run it, especially the
internal structure of the microprocessor.

Ask google for a definition of architect 

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