Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Next Year's Exhibition Concepts

It will be very hard to move on but three concepts were submitted for next year and they are:

Gail MacDonald
In every part of the world people have a need for idolatry ,shrines, alters, places of worship and or reflection .Some are very primitive and as we know some are extremely (cant think of a nice way of describing it ) perhaps over the top.
The challenge would be: How would you express that need (or lack of) from your own ethnic/personal view point .
You may need to call for divine inspiration to meet this challenge
I am off chant to a blank wall and see what happens

Annette Glare
My concept for 2011 is layers.
This can be as open or obscure as needed. Layers of a trifle/parfait, of the landscape, of geological strata, of meaning, layers of a technique, collage etc.
This includes research into artists who depict layers in their art.

Gail Davis 
My concept is: 'Journeys'
I contemplated that the concept of 'journeys' could embrace any movement, development, growth whether physical or spiritual. It could be a travel diary (as presented by Annette M for her piece); it could be a personal resolution or development; or it could be representative of a particular destination.
It is a rather broad concept and interestingly could involve further reflection on this year's work.

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