Monday, February 21, 2011

Collage workshop with Deborah Marks

We started the year with a fantastic, stimulating, challenging two day workshop on Design with Collage. Coloured and textured papers, and glue, replaced our normal sewing kit.

We’d all heard about Deborah Marks, who has this wonderful course at WEA in Sydney on Design through collage.

We hired Deborah for a two day workshop, and the results were amazing. We swapped fabric and threads for paper and paste The time just flew by, our fingers were sticky, we traded papers, searched magazines for ‘the right colour’ and were challenged by new ideas. Deborah unique teaching style enabls her to bring out the best in all of us. We didn’t quite complete all that Deborah had planned but we were all thrilled with the results.

After the work was critiqued it remained pinned to the board while we continued on with next exercises. So at the end of the workshop the room was one giant collage.

We were introduced to new artists that helped with our entrée into the world of collage, Kurt Schwitters, Robert Rauschenberg , Joseph Cornell, Frank Stella, Picasso.

Not wanting to stop Annette Robin and Sheralie enrolled at the WEA to further their knowledge. The challenge continues.

Deborah Marks critiquing exercise 2 - Negative Spaces.

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